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2024-07-07 20:42:24

China and Malaysia are working closely and 2024marks the 50th anniversary of Sino-Malaysiadiplomatic relationship.

Rafizi Ramli, EconomyMinister of Malaysia, had a Dialoguewith SFC journalist recently. Hethink that the two countries have a lot of synergies in terms of economy, which is actually built over the long period of 50 years.

“Now that there is an alignment in terms of the need to work closer, I would imagine that we will see a lot of reciprocal investment on both sides,in between Chinese businesses going to Malaysia and vice versa,” Ramliadded. “So I think this is the high point of diplomatic relationship between Malaysia and Chinaand that will translate into another high pointin terms of economic cooperation.”

Commenting ontourism, Ramlisaid “Chinese tourists are already the largest group of tourists coming to Malaysia.With the high point of diplomatic relationshipandeconomic cooperation,we would imagine that more Chinese tourists will be coming towards 2026,because 2026 is Visit Malaysia year and hopefully we'll see a lot more Chinese tourists.”


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